Thursday, 17 October 2013

Initial Ideas

These are my first three initial ideas that I came up with once I listened to Bastille - Things We Lost in the Fire. I feel my first initial idea is the strongest of the three and more of what I would like to do. Due to my audience research I feel the narrative videos appeal more to my target audience, as they want to see the artist involved too whilst a narrative evolves.

 I liked the idea of my second idea when I first thought of it but after a lot of research into my target audience I feel this kind of performance wouldn't appeal to them as it would not connect with the song due to the lyrics and the feeling you get from listening to the song.

My third idea is more of a montage video, this would be heavily edited to create a more abstract piece of work but using the lyrics as a narrative but again after a lot of research into my audience and what they expect to see in a video, I feel this would not appeal to them and have them connect with it, it may appear to get boring and repetitive due to the lyrics being very repetitive throughout.

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